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Korean wave
번호 분류 제목 작성자 등록일 조회
공지 Culture 코리아 엠버서더 활동 안내 관리자 2020-03-07 218
1627 Korean wave Doubts rise over TPG's investments in Kakao_TPG의 카... 유혜린 2020-11-29 211
1626 Korean wave Fall is upon us: ‘Color show’ trails across Korea_우... 유혜린 2020-11-29 134
1625 Culture Introduction of books: Back, back to our cultural he... 강다윤 2020-11-29 79
1624 Travel When stressed, one gains weight? Yes to women but no... 윤선우 2020-11-29 60
1623 Travel Teenager stockids has increased - 10대 주린이 늘었다 윤선우 2020-11-29 32
1622 Culture Q&A: How is COVID-19 transmitted? / Q & A : COVID-19... 성재경 2020-11-29 76
1621 Korean wave The clue to the Next-generation battery with low ris... 김시원 2020-11-29 39
1620 Korean wave 코로나19 신규확진 450명···수도권 263명(TTT) 정지환 2020-11-29 33
1619 Korean wave 2단계 효과 지켜봐야”…“2.5단계로 선제 상향(TTT) 282기 정승환 2020-11-29 28
1618 Culture How stereotype affects our judgement 고정관념은 우리... 하지현 2020-11-29 50